As with AE85s and AE86s..... and converting from an AE85 to an AE86 spec car. It is always easier,
And 99% of the time cheaper to start off with the upgraded model. Not only do you not have to source any of
the bits required to do the swap. But whenever something breaks, you can fix it using the standard car manual. If
anyone buys your car, they don't have to know exactly what was used and how it all works.
That said, there's nothing that teaches you about diagnosing a problem, or how a car works like a good healthy(?!?!)
conversion. So if you can't track down the car you want, for a reasonable price.... or the car in question didn't
come out with the engine you want. Knock yourself out and convert it!!
Just remember this one thing... There will always be something that you are not prepared for. ... normally
2,3, a dozen things... but this will always push out the 'estimated' time taken to 2 or 3 times what was thought.
I would like to wish a big thanks to the people who helped with this swap :D
- The Garage Dori team..... Big Woot! to Matt, Paint, Mark, William. Driving me round to fetch parts, dinner,
helping with everything, much appreciated :)
- Glenn from Nite Parts - Really fast, 4AGE wiring guru, sump mod for oil drain, and suppling odd bits and bobs.
- Mark H for helping with massive arm to lift 4A out of Carina, and also for 2TGEU swap back in the day
- Folks for the use of their garage whilst they were away on holiday :P
General Conversion Problems
- Engine Mounts -> either creating them from scratch or using someone elses. Chances are it won't sit where
you want it too, even if the mounts and engine came out of the same car as yours.
- Gearbox Mounts -> Most likely they won't line up with the right holes. However, KE corollas have 2 sets
of mounts, as do most toyotas, to cater for various factory options... T series, W series... etc etc. Make sure
you have correct crossmember
- Gear-stick Position -> If you're lucky, or done your research, you may have the correct gearbox and have
mounted the engine so that the stick comes up through the hole. IE: early T50 box has shifter at front. middle &
late T50 have shifter further back.
- Fuelling -> Have you got enough fuel hose?... How are you going to run the pumps? LP pump sucking from
tank, filling surge, HP pump filling rail, rail returns to surge...?... OR are you going to run the EFI tank and
pump setup?
- Clutch -> Not only for Auto to Manual conversions... where you might need to drill holes for the
mastercylinder and mount the pedal... but Manual -> Hydraulic conversions... such as a K box to T box
- Wiring -> A lot of people complain about the wiring of a car. And I must admint Mark explained most of my
2TGEU stuff to me to get it running. And Glenn from Nite Parts labeled the loom for the 4AGE, and kindly tapped
the ignition wire for the power feeds....Thanks Guys :D..... Anyways, wiring is probably the easiest of the jobs,
providing you know what does what. And neatness is your friend. Solder the wires that need soldering, and run the
proper or bigger gauge/diameter wire where required. It is the wiring of the engine and ancillaries that you will
be dealing with the most after your swap.
- Driveshaft -> A personal favourite... If you change the gearbox, you'll have to change driveshaft. Unless
you are lucky and have an early KE corolla, and an early T50, and have mounted the engine/box perfectly.
Especially in some of the later cars like Coronas, that can have S, T, A engines, and T, K, W gearboxs, and split
driveshafts... there can be multiple drive shafts with various yokes on them.
- ... This will do for now ... continue if game. :)
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